Over the years, our team has contributed to more than 200 publications. These works underscore our commitment to advancing knowledge, sharing insights, and shaping the future of our field.
Verry, C.; Dufort, S.; Villa, J.; Gavard, M.; Iriart, C.; Grand, S.; Charles, J.; Chovelon, B.; Cracowski, J-L.; Quesada, J-L.; Mendoza, C.; Sancey, L.; Lehamann, A.; Jover, F.; Giraud, J-Y.; Lux, F.; Crémilleux Y.; McMahon, S.; Pauwels, P.; Cagney, D.; Berbeco, R.; Auzer, A.; Deutsch, E.; Loeffer, M.; Le Duc, G.; Tillement, O.; Balosso, J.; Theranostic AGuix nanoparticles as radiosensitizer: a phase I, dose-escalation study in patients with multiple brain metastases (NANO-RAD trial)., Radiotherapy and Oncology, 160 (2021) 159-165
Verry, C.; Dufort, S.; Lemasson, B.; Grand, S;; Pietras, J.; Tropres, I.; Crémillieux, Y.; Lux, F.; Mériaux, S.; Larrat, B.; Balosso, J.; Le Duc, G.; Barbier, E.; Tillement, O.; Targeting brain metastases with ultrasmall theranostic nanoparticles, a first-in-human trial from an MRI perspective, Science Advances, 6 (2020) 29, eaay5279
A. Detappe, C. Mathieu, C. Jin, M. Agius, M. C. Diringer, V. –L. Tran, X. Pivot, F. Lux, O. Tillement, D. Kufe, P. P. Ghoroghchian, « Anti-MUC1- C Antibody – conjugated nanoparticles potentiate the efficacy of fractionated radiation therapy », Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 2020, 20, 6223.
X. Yang, M. Bolsa-Ferruz, L. Marichal, E. Porcel, D. Salado-Leza, F. Lux, O. Tillement, J. –P. Renault, S. Pin, F. Wien, S. Lacombe, « Human serum albumin in the presence of AGuIX nanoagents: structure stabilization without direct interaction », Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2020, 21, 4673.
J. Schuemann, A. Bagley, R. Berberco, K. Bromma, K. T. Butterworth, H. Byrne, D. B. Chithrani, S. H. Cho, J. R. Cook, V. Favaudon, Y. H. Gholami, E. Gargioni, J. F. Hainfeld, F. Heespeels, A. C. Heuskin, U. M. Ibeh, Z. Kuncic, S. Kunjachan, S. Lacombe, S. Lucas, F. Lux, S. J. McMahon, D. Nevozhay, W. Ngwa, J. D. Payne, S. Penninckx, E. Porcel, K. M. Prise, H. Rabus, S. M. Ridwan, B. Rudek, L. Sanche, B. Singh, H. M. Smilowitz, K. V. Sokolov, S. Sridhar, Y. Stanishevskiy, W. Sung, O. Tillement, N. A. Virani, W. Yantasee, S. Krishnan, « Roadmap for metal nanoparticles in radiation therapy: current status, translational challenges, and future directions », Phys. Med. Biol., 2020, Accepted.
G. Bort, F. Lux*, S. Dufort, Y. Crémillieux, C. Verry, O. Tillement, « Ultrasmall hybrid nanoparticles suit well to tumor targeting via EPR effect: examples of translation from animal to human with theranostic AGuIX® nanoparticles », Theranostics, 2020, 10, 1319-1331. IF 8.7
A. Conti, R. Magnin, M. Gerstenmayer, N. Tsapis, E. Dumont, O. Tillement, F. Lux, D. Le Bihan, S. Mériaux, S. Della Penna, B. Larrat, « Empirical and theoritical characterization of the diffusion process of different gadolinium-based nanoparticles within the brain tissue after ultrasound-induced permeabilization of the blood-brain barrier », Contrast Media Mol. Imaging, 2019, 2019:6341545.
V. Thakare, V. –L. Tran, M. Natuzzi, E. Thomas, M. Moreau, A. Romieu, B. Collin, A. Courteau, J.-M. Vrigneaud, C. Louis, S. Roux, F. Boschetti, O. Tillement, F. Lux, F. Denat, « Functionalization of theranostic AGuIX® nanoparticles for PET/MRI/optical imaging », RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 24811-24815.
S. Dufort, G. Appelboom, C. Verry, E. L. Barbier, F. Lux, E. Bräuer-Krisch, L. Sancey, S. D. Chang, M. Zhang, S. Roux, O. Tillement, G. Le Duc, « Ultrasmall theranostic gadolinium-based nanoparticles to improve high-grade rat glioma survival », J. Clin. Neurosci., 2019, 18, 31833.
S. Huclier-Markai, E. Ntsiba, E. Thomas, C. Aliot, C. S. Cutler, F. Lux, O. Tillement, « Self-crosslinked fibrous collagen/chitosan blends: Processing, properties evaluation and monitoring of degradation by bi-fluorescence imaging », Multimodal AGuIX® nanoparticles: size characterization by HF5 and optimization of the radiolabeling with various SPECT/PET/Theranostic tracers », Int. J. Med. Nano Res., 2019, 6, 027
P. N. Oliveira, A. Montembault, G. Sudre, P. Alcouffe, L. Marcon, H. Gehan, F. Lux, K. Albespy, V. Centis, D. Campos, S. Roques, M. Meulle, M. Renard, M. Durand, Q. Denost, L. Bordenave, M. Vandamme, E. Chereul, M. Vandesteene, N. Boucard, L. David, « Self-crosslinked fibrous collagen/chitosan blends : Processing, properties evaluation and monitoring of degradation by bi-fluorescence imaging », Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2019, 131, 353-361.
C. Verry, L. Sancey, S. Dufort, G. Le Duc, C. Mendoza, F. Lux, S. Grand, J. Arnaud, J. L. Quesada, J. Villa, O. Tillement, J. Balosso, « Treatment of multiple brain metastases using gadolinium nanoparticles and radiotherapy: NANO-RAD, a phase I study protocol », BMJ Open, 2019, 9, e023591.
R. Quatre, T. Jacquet, I. Atallah, O. Tillement, F. Lux, J. –L. Coll., S. Dufort, C. –A. Righini, « Evaluation of the theranostic properties of gadolinium-based nanoparticles for head and neck cancer », Head Neck, 2019, 41, 403-410.
V. L. Tran, V. Thakare, M. Natuzzi, M. Moreau, A. Oudot, J. –M. Vrigneaud, A. Courteau, C. Louis, S. Roux, F. Boschetti, F. Denat, O. Tillement, F. Lux*, « Functionalization of gadolinium chelates silica nanoparticle through silane chemistry for simultaneous MRI/64Cu PET imaging », Contrast Media Mol. Imaging, 2018, 2018:7938267.
J. Pansieri, M. Gerstenmeyer, F. Lux, S. Mériaux, O. Tillement, V. Forge, B. Larrat, C. Marquette, « Magnetic nanoparticles applications for amyloidosis study and detection: a review », Nanomaterials, 2018, 8, 0740.
F. Lux*, V.-L. Tran, E. Thomas, S. Dufort, F. Rossetti, M. Martini, C. Truillet, T. Doussineau, G. Bort, F. Denat, F. Boschetti, G. Angelovski, A. Detappe, Y. Crémillieux, N. Mignet, B.-T. Doan, B. Larrat, S. Meriaux, E. Barbier, S. Roux, P. Fries, A. Muller, M. –C. Abadjian, C. Anderson, E. Canet-Soulas, P. Bouziotis, M. Barberi-Heyob, C. Frochot, C. Verry, J. Balosso, M. Evans, J. Sidi-Boumedine, M. Janier, K. Butterworth, S. McMahon, K. Prise, M.-T. Aloy, D. Ardail, C. Rodriguez-Lafrasse, E. Porcel, S. Lacombe, R. Berbeco, A. Allouch, J.-L. Perfettini, C. Chargari, E. Deutsch, G. Le Duc, O. Tillement, « AGuIX® from bench to bedside – Transfer of an ultrasmall theranostic gadolinium-based nanoparticle to clinical medicine », Br. J. Radiology, 2018, 91, 20180365.
V. –L. Tran, V. Thakare, F. Rossetti, A. Baudouin, G. Ramniceanu, B. –T. Doan, N. Mignet, C. Comby-Zerbino, R. Antoine, P. Dugourd, F. Boschetti, F. Denat, C. Louis, S. Roux, T. Doussineau, O. Tillement, F. Lux*, « One-pot direct synthesis for multifunctional hybrid silica nanoparticles », J. Mat. Chem. B, 2018, 6, 4821-4834.
E. Thomas, L. Colombeau, M. Gries, T. Peterlini, C. Mathieu, N. Thomas, C. Boura, C. Frochot, R. Vanderesse, F. Lux*, M. Barberi-Heyob, O. Tillement, « Ultrasmall AGuIX theranostic nanoparticles for vascular-targeted interstitial photodynamic therapy of glioblastoma », Int. J. Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 7075-7088.
A. Bianchi, O. L. Gobbo, S. Dufort, L. Sancey, F. Lux, O. Tillement, J. –L. Coll, Y. Crémillieux, « Orotracheal manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI): An effective approach for lung tumor detection », NMR Biomed., 2017, 30, e3790.
A. S. Wozny, M. T. Aloy, G. Alphonse, N. Magné, M. Janier, O. Tillement, F. Lux, M. Beuve, C. Rodriguez-Lafrasse, « Gadolinium-based nanoparticles as sensitizing agents to carbon ions in head and neck tumor cells », Nanomedicine:NBM, 2017, 13, 2655-2660.
A. Müller, P. Fries, B. Jelvani, F. Lux, C. E. Rübe, S. Kremp, P. Giovanoli, A. Buecker, M. D. Menger, M. W. Laschke, F. S. Frueh, « Magnetic resonance lymphography at 9.4 T using a gadolinium-based nanoparticle in rat: investigations in healthy animals and a hindlimb lymphedema model », Invest. Radiol., 2017,52, 725-733.
J. Pansieri, M. Plissonneau, N. Stransky-Heilkron, M. Dumoulin, L. Heinrich-Balard, P. Rivory, J. –F. Morfin, E. Toth, M. J. Saraiva, E. Allémann, O. Tillement, V. Forge, F. Lux, C. Marquette, « Multimodal imaging Gd-nanoparticles functionalized with Pittsburgh compound B or a nanobody for amyloid plaques targeting », Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 1675-1687.
P. Bouziotis, D. Stellas, E. Thomas, C. Truillet, C. Tsoukalas, F. Lux, T. Tsokatos, S. Xanthopoulos, M. Paravatou-Petsotas, A. Gaitanis, L. A. Moulopoulos, V. Koutoulidis, C. D. Anagnostopoulos, O. Tillement, « 68Ga-radiolabeled AGuIX nanoparticles as dual-modality imaging agents for PET/MRI-guided radiation therapy », Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 1561-1574.
M. Toussaint, S. Pinel, F. Auger, N.Durieux, M. Thomassin, E. Thomas, A. Moussaron, D. Meng, F. Plénat, M. Amouroux, T. Bastogne, C. Frochot, O. Tillement, F. Lux, M. Barberi-Heyob, « Proton MR spectroscopy and diffusion MR imaging to predict tumor response to interstitial photodynamic therapy for glioblastoma », Theranostics, 2017, 7, 436-451.
A. Detappe, E. Thomas, M. W. Tibbit, S. Kunjachan, O. Zavidij, N. Parnandi, E. Reznichenko, F. Lux, O. Tillement, R. Berbeco, « Ultrasmall silica-based bismuth gadolinium nanoparticle for dual MR-CT guided radiation therapy », Nano Lett., 2017, 17, 1733-1740. IF 12.7
Truillet, C.; Thomas, E.; Lux, F.; Huynh, L. T.; Tillement, O.; Evans, M. J. Synthesis and Characterization of Zr-89-Labeled Ultrasmall Nanoparticles. MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS 2016, 13, 2596–2601.
Stefancikova, L.; Lacombe, S.; Salado, D.; Porcel, E.; Pagacova, E.; Tillement, O.; Lux, F.; Depes, D.; Kozubek, S.; Falk, M. Effect of Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles on Nuclear DNA Damage and Repair in Glioblastoma Tumor Cells. JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 2016, 14.
Schlatholter, T.; Eustache, P.; Porcel, E.; Salado, D.; Stefancikova, L.; Tillement, O.; Lux, F.; Mowat, P.; Biegun, A. K.; van Goethem, M.-J.; et al. Improving Proton Therapy by Metal-Containing Nanoparticles: Nanoscale Insights. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE 2016, 11, 1549–1556.
Plissonneau, M.; Pansieri, J.; Heinrich-Balard, L.; Morfin, J.-F.; Stransky-Heilkron, N.; Rivory, P.; Mowat, P.; Dumoulin, M.; Cohen, R.; Allemann, E.; et al. Gd-Nanoparticles Functionalization with Specific Peptides for Beta-Amyloid Plaques Targeting. JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 2016, 14.
Laurent, G.; Bernhard, C.; Dufort, S.; Sanchez, G. J.; Bazzi, R.; Boschetti, F.; Moreau, M.; Vu, T. H.; Collin, B.; Oudot, A.; et al. Minor Changes in the Macrocyclic Ligands but Major Consequences on the Efficiency of Gold Nanoparticles Designed for Radiosensitization. NANOSCALE 2016, 8, 12054–12065.
Kotb, S.; Detappe, A.; Lux, F.; Appaix, F.; Barbier, E. L.; Tran, V.-L.; Plissonneau, M.; Gehan, H.; Lefranc, F.; Rodriguez-Lafrasse, C.; et al. Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles and Radiation Therapy for Multiple Brain Melanoma Metastases: Proof of Concept before Phase I Trial. THERANOSTICS 2016, 6, 418–427.
Gimenez, Y.; Busser, B.; Trichard, F.; Kulesza, A.; Laurent, J. M.; Zaun, V.; Lux, F.; Benoit, J. M.; Panczer, G.; Dugourd, P.; et al. 3D Imaging of Nanoparticle Distribution in Biological Tissue by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016, 6.
Dufort, S.; Le Duc, G.; Salome, M.; Bentivegna, V.; Sancey, L.; Brauer-Krisch, E.; Requardt, H.; Lux, F.; Coll, J.-L.; Perriat, P.; et al. The High Radiosensitizing Efficiency of a Trace of Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles in Tumors. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016, 6.
Detappe, A.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O. Pushing Radiation Therapy Limitations with Theranostic Nanoparticles. NANOMEDICINE 2016, 11, 997–999.
Adabo, A. H.; Zeggari, R.; Said, N. M.; Bazzi, R.; Elie-Caille, C.; Marquette, C.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P.; Chaix, C.; et al. Enhanced Chemiluminescence-Based Detection on Gold Substrate after Electrografting of Diazonium Precursor-Coated Gold Nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 2016, 467, 271–279.
Truillet, C.; Bouziotis, P.; Tsoukalas, C.; Brugiere, J.; Martini, M.; Sancey, L.; Brichart, T.; Denat, F.; Boschetti, F.; Darbost, U.; et al. Ultrasmall Particles for Gd-MRI and Ga-68-PET Dual Imaging. CONTRAST MEDIA & MOLECULAR IMAGING 2015, 10, 309–319.
Sancey, L.; Kotb, S.; Trulllet, C.; Appaix, F.; Marais, A.; Thomas, E.; van der Sanden, B.; Klein, J.-P.; Laurent, B.; Cottier, M.; et al. Long-Term in Vivo Clearance of Gadolinium-Based AGuIX Nanoparticles and Their Biocompatibility after Systemic Injection. ACS NANO 2015, 9, 2477–2488.
Moussaron, A.; Vibhute, S.; Bianchi, A.; Guenduez, S.; Kotb, S.; Sancey, L.; Motto-Ros, V.; Rizzitelli, S.; Cremillieux, Y.; Lux, F.; et al. Ultrasmall Nanoplatforms as Calcium-Responsive Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. SMALL 2015, 11, 4900–4909.
Mogilireddy, V.; Dechamps-Olivier, I.; Alric, C.; Laurent, G.; Laurent, S.; Elst, L. V.; Muller, R.; Bazzi, R.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; et al. Thermodynamic Stability and Kinetic Inertness of a Gd-DTPA Bisamide Complex Grafted onto Gold Nanoparticles. CONTRAST MEDIA & MOLECULAR IMAGING 2015, 10, 179–187.
Miladi, I.; Aloy, M.-T.; Armandy, E.; Mowat, P.; Kryza, D.; Magne, N.; Tillement, O.; Lux, F.; Billotey, C.; Janier, M.; et al. Combining Ultrasmall Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles with Photon Irradiation Overcomes Radioresistance of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2015, 11, 247–257.
Lux, F.; Sancey, L.; Bianchi, A.; Cremillieux, Y.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O. Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles for Theranostic MRI-Radiosensitization. NANOMEDICINE 2015, 10, 1801–1815.
Lux, F.; Detappe, A.; Dufort, S.; Sancey, L.; Louis, C.; Carme, S.; Tillement, O. Ultrasmall Nanoparticles for Radiotherapy: AGuIX. CANCER RADIOTHERAPIE 2015, 19, 508–514.
Fries, P.; Morr, D.; Mueller, A.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Massmann, A.; Seidel, R.; Schaefer, T.; Menger, M. D.; Schneider, G.; et al. Evaluation of a Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticle (AGuIX) for Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Liver in a Rat Model of Hepatic Colorectal Cancer Metastases at 9.4 Tesla. ROFO-FORTSCHRITTE AUF DEM GEBIET DER RONTGENSTRAHLEN UND DER BILDGEBENDEN VERFAHREN 2015, 187, 1108–1115.
Dufort, S.; Bianchi, A.; Henry, M.; Lux, F.; Le Duc, G.; Josserand, V.; Louis, C.; Perriat, P.; Cremillieux, Y.; Tillement, O.; et al. Nebulized Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles: A Theranostic Approach for Lung Tumor Imaging and Radiosensitization. SMALL 2015, 11, 215–221.
Detappe, A.; Rottmann, J.; Kunjachan, S.; Tillement, O.; Berbeco, R. Theranostic Gadolinium-Based AGuIX Nanoparticles for MRI-Guided Radiation Therapy. MEDICAL PHYSICS 2015, 42, 3566.
Bianchi, A.; Moncelet, D.; Lux, F.; Plissonneau, M.; Rizzitelli, S.; Ribot, E. J.; Tassali, N.; Bouchaud, V.; Tillement, O.; Voisin, P.; et al. Orotracheal Administration of Contrast Agents: A New Protocol for Brain Tumor Targeting. NMR IN BIOMEDICINE 2015, 28, 738–746.
Bechet, D.; Auger, F.; Couleaud, P.; Marty, E.; Ravasi, L.; Durieux, N.; Bonnet, C.; Plenat, F.; Frochot, C.; Mordon, S.; et al. Multifunctional Ultrasmall Nanoplatforms for Vascular-Targeted Interstitial Photodynamic Therapy of Brain Tumors Guided by Real-Time MRI. NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2015, 11, 657–670.
Ayela, F.; Colombet, D.; Ledoux, G.; Tillement, O. Thermal Investigation of Cavitating Flows through Microchannels, with the Help of Fluorescent Nanoprobes. HOUILLE BLANCHE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE L EAU 2015, 102–108.
Wang, Y.; Shen, H.; He, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Gong, Q.; Lu, G. Amorphous Nanoshell Formed through Random Growth and Related Plasmonic Behaviors. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2014, 610, 278–283.
TianYue, Z.; GuoWei, L.; HongMing, S.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; QiHuang, G. Plasmonic-Enhanced Two-Photon Fluorescence with Single Gold Nanoshell. SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 2014, 57, 1038–1045.
Ricciardi, L.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Sancey, L.; Perriat, P.; Ghedini, M.; Szerb, E. I.; Yadav, Y. J.; La Deda, M. Multifunctional Material Based on Ionic Transition Metal Complexes and Gold-Silica Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Photophysical Characterization for Application in Imaging and Therapy. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY 2014, 140, 396–404.
Porcel, E.; Tillement, O.; Lux, F.; Mowat, P.; Usami, N.; Kobayashi, K.; Furusawa, Y.; Le Sech, C.; Li, S.; Lacombe, S. Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles to Improve the Hadrontherapy Performances. NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2014, 10, 1601–1608.
Paul, G.; Prado, Y.; Dia, N.; Riviere, E.; Laurent, S.; Roch, M.; Vander Elst, L.; Muller, R. N.; Sancey, L.; Perriat, P.; et al. Mn-II-Containing Coordination Nanoparticles as Highly Efficient T-1 Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2014, 50, 6740–6743.
Moreau, J.; Lux, F.; Four, M.; Olesiak-Banska, J.; Matczyszyn, K.; Perriat, P.; Frochot, C.; Arnoux, P.; Tillement, O.; Samoc, M.; et al. A 5-(difluorenyl)-1,10-Phenanthroline- Based Ru( II) Complex as a Coating Agent for Potential Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2014, 16, 14826–14833.
Miot-Noirault, E.; Vidal, A.; Morlieras, J.; Bonazza, P.; Auzeloux, P.; Besse, S.; Dauplat, M.-M.; Peyrode, C.; Degoul, F.; Billotey, C.; et al. Small Rigid Platforms Functionalization with Quaternary Ammonium: Targeting Extracellular Matrix of Chondrosarcoma. NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2014, 10, 1887–1895.
Miladi, I.; Alric, C.; Dufort, S.; Mowat, P.; Dutour, A.; Mandon, C.; Laurent, G.; Braeuer-Krisch, E.; Herath, N.; Coll, J.-L.; et al. The In Vivo Radiosensitizing Effect of Gold Nanoparticles Based MRI Contrast Agents. SMALL 2014, 10, 1116–1124.
Mayer, F.; Zhang, W.; Brichart, T.; Tillement, O.; Bonnet, C. S.; Toth, E.; Peters, J. A.; Djanashvili, K. Nanozeolite-LTL with Gd-III Deposited in the Large and Eu-III in the Small Cavities as a Magnetic Resonance Optical Imaging Probe. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2014, 20, 3358–3364.
Maurin, M.; Karczmarczyk, U.; Garnuszek, P.; Mikolajczak, R.; Sawicka, A.; Truillet, C.; Lux, F.; Clabaut, A.; Tillement, O. Active Targeting with Y-90 Radiolabelled Octreotate Functionalized AGuIX Ultra-Small Nano Particles. NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 2014, 41, 645.
Luchette, M.; Korideck, H.; Makrigiorgos, M.; Tillement, O.; Berbeco, R. Radiation Dose Enhancement of Gadolinium-Based AGuIX Nanoparticles on HeLa Cells. NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2014, 10, 1751–1755.
Fries, P.; Morelli, J. N.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Schneider, G.; Buecker, A. The Issues and Tentative Solutions for Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Ultra-High Field Strength. WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-NANOMEDICINE AND NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 2014, 6, 559–573.
Chou, R. Y.; Lu, G.; Shen, H.; He, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Gong, Q. A Hybrid Nanoantenna for Highly Enhanced Directional Spontaneous Emission. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2014, 115.
Bianchi, A.; Dufort, S.; Lux, F.; Fortin, P.-Y.; Tassali, N.; Tillement, O.; Coll, J.-L.; Cremillieux, Y. Targeting and in Vivo Imaging of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using Nebulized Multimodal Contrast Agents. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2014, 111, 9247–9252.
Bianchi, A.; Dufort, S.; Lux, F.; Courtois, A.; Tillement, O.; Coll, J.-L.; Cremillieux, Y. Quantitative Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics of Multimodal Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles for Lungs Using Ultrashort TE MRI. MAGNETIC RESONANCE MATERIALS IN PHYSICS BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2014, 27, 303–316.
Bianchi, A.; Dufort, S.; Fortin, P.-Y.; Lux, F.; Raffard, G.; Tassali, N.; Tillement, O.; Coll, J.-L.; Cremillieux, Y. In Vivo MRI for Effective Non-Invasive Detection and Follow-up of an Orthotopic Mouse Model of Lung Cancer. NMR IN BIOMEDICINE 2014, 27, 971–979.
Truillet, C.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Dugourd, P.; Antoine, R. Coupling of HPLC with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Studying the Aging of Ultrasmall Multifunctional Gadolinium-Based Silica Nanoparticles. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2013, 85, 10440–10447.
Truillet, C.; Lux, F.; Moreau, J.; Four, M.; Sancey, L.; Chevreux, S.; Boeuf, G.; Perriat, P.; Frochot, C.; Antoine, R.; et al. Bifunctional Polypyridyl-Ru(II) Complex Grafted onto Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles for MR-Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy. DALTON TRANSACTIONS 2013, 42, 12410–12420.
Truillet, C.; Lux, F.; Brichart, T.; Lu, G. W.; Gong, Q. H.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O. Energy Transfer from Pyridine Molecules towards Europium Cations Contained in Sub 5-Nm Eu2O3 Nanoparticles: Can a Particle Be an Efficient Multiple Donor-Acceptor System? JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013, 114.
Shen, H.; Lu, G.; Zhang, T.; Liu, J.; Gu, Y.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Gong, Q. Shape Effect on a Single-Nanoparticle-Based Plasmonic Nanosensor. NANOTECHNOLOGY 2013, 24.
Rima, W.; Sancey, L.; Aloy, M.-T.; Armandy, E.; Alcantara, G. B.; Epicier, T.; Malchere, A.; Joly-Pottuz, L.; Mowat, P.; Lux, F.; et al. Internalization Pathways into Cancer Cells of Gadolinium-Based Radiosensitizing Nanoparticles. BIOMATERIALS 2013, 34, 181–195.
Motto-Ros, V.; Sancey, L.; Wang, X. C.; Ma, Q. L.; Lux, F.; Bai, X. S.; Panczer, G.; Tillement, O.; Yu, J. Mapping Nanoparticles Injected into a Biological Tissue Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY 2013, 87, 168–174.
Morlieras, J.; Dufort, S.; Sancey, L.; Truillet, C.; Mignot, A.; Rossetti, F.; Dentamaro, M.; Laurent, S.; Vander Elst, L.; Muller, R. N.; et al. Functionalization of Small Rigid Platforms with Cyclic RGD Peptides for Targeting Tumors Overexpressing alpha(v)beta(3)-Integrins. BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY 2013, 24, 1584–1597.
Morlieras, J.; Chezal, J.-M.; Miot-Noirault, E.; Vidal, A.; Besse, S.; Kryza, D.; Truillet, C.; Mignot, A.; Antoine, R.; Dugourd, P.; et al. In Vivo Evidence of the Targeting of Cartilaginous Tissue by Pyridinium Functionalized Nanoparticles. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2013, 49, 3046–3048.
Morlieras, J.; Chezal, J.-M.; Miot-Noirault, E.; Roux, A.; Heinrich-Balard, L.; Cohen, R.; Tarrit, S.; Truillet, C.; Mignot, A.; Hachani, R.; et al. Development of Gadolinium Based Nanoparticles Having an Affinity towards Melanin. NANOSCALE 2013, 5, 1603–1615.
Miladi, I.; Le Duc, G.; Kryza, D.; Berniard, A.; Mowat, P.; Roux, S.; Taleb, J.; Bonazza, P.; Perriat, P.; Lux, F.; et al. Biodistribution of Ultra Small Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles as Theranostic Agent: Application to Brain Tumors. JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS APPLICATIONS 2013, 28, 385–394.
Mignot, A.; Truillet, C.; Lux, F.; Sancey, L.; Louis, C.; Denat, F.; Boschetti, F.; Bocher, L.; Gloter, A.; Stephan, O.; et al. A Top-Down Synthesis Route to Ultrasmall Multifunctional Gd-Based Silica Nanoparticles for Theranostic Applications. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2013, 19, 6122–6136.
Maurin, M.; Garnuszek, P.; Mikolajczak, R.; Truillet, C.; Lux, F.; Clabaut, A.; Tillement, O. Preliminary Results of Y-90 and Lu-177 Radiolabelling of Ultra Small Rigid Particles as Multimodal Probes. JOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS 2013, 56, S237.
Lu, G.; Liu, J.; Zhang, T.; Shen, H.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Gu, Y.; He, Y.; Wang, Y.; et al. Enhancing Molecule Fluorescence with Asymmetrical Plasmonic Antennas. NANOSCALE 2013, 5, 6545–6551.
Di Corato, R.; Gazeau, F.; Le Visage, C.; Fayol, D.; Levitz, P.; Lux, F.; Letourneur, D.; Luciani, N.; Tillement, O.; Wilhelm, C. High-Resolution Cellular MRI: Gadolinium and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for in-Depth Dual-Cell Imaging of Engineered Tissue Constructs. ACS NANO 2013, 7, 7500–7512.
Bulin, A.-L.; Truillett, C.; Chouikrat, R.; Lux, F.; Frochot, C.; Amans, D.; Ledoux, G.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P.; Barberi-Heyob, M.; et al. X-Ray-Induced Singlet Oxygen Activation with Nanoscintillator-Coupled Porphyrins. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2013, 117, 21583–21589.
Bianchi, A.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Cremillieux, Y. Contrast Enhanced Lung MRI in Mice Using Ultra-Short Echo Time Radial Imaging and Intratracheally Administrated Gd-DOTA-Based Nanoparticles. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE 2013, 70, 1419–1426.
Ayela, F.; Medrano-Munoz, M.; Amans, D.; Dujardin, C.; Brichart, T.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Ledoux, G. Experimental Evidence of Temperature Gradients in Cavitating Microflows Seeded with Thermosensitive Nanoprobes. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 2013, 88.
Aspord, C.; Laurin, D.; Janier, M. F.; Mandon, C. A.; Thivolet, C.; Villiers, C.; Mowat, P.; Madec, A.-M.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P.; et al. Paramagnetic Nanoparticles to Track and Quantify in Vivo Immune Human Therapeutic Cells. NANOSCALE 2013, 5, 11409–11415.
Alric, C.; Miladi, I.; Kryza, D.; Taleb, J.; Lux, F.; Bazzi, R.; Billotey, C.; Janier, M.; Perriat, P.; Roux, S.; et al. The Biodistribution of Gold Nanoparticles Designed for Renal Clearance. NANOSCALE 2013, 5, 5930–5939.
Zhang, T.; Lu, G.; Liu, J.; Shen, H.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Gong, Q. Strong Two-Photon Fluorescence Enhanced Jointly by Dipolar and Quadrupolar Modes of a Single Plasmonic Nanostructure. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2012, 101.
Zhang, T.; Lu, G.; Li, W.; Liu, J.; Hou, L.; Perriat, P.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Gong, Q. Optimally Designed Nanoshell and Matryoshka-Nanoshell as a Plasmonic-Enhanced Fluorescence Probe. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2012, 116, 8804–8812.
Seve, A.; Couleaud, P.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Arnoux, P.; Andre, J.-C.; Frochot, C. Long-Distance Energy Transfer Photosensitizers Arising in Hybrid Nanoparticles Leading to Fluorescence Emission and Singlet Oxygen Luminescence Quenching. PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2012, 11, 803–811.
Motto-Ros, V.; Sancey, L.; Ma, Q. L.; Lux, F.; Bai, X. S.; Wang, X. C.; Yu, J.; Panczer, G.; Tillement, O. Mapping of Native Inorganic Elements and Injected Nanoparticles in a Biological Organ with Laser-Induced Plasma. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2012, 101.
Lin, G.; Candela, Y.; Tillement, O.; Cai, Z.; Lefevre-Seguin, V.; Hare, J. Thermal Bistability-Based Method for Real-Time Optimization of Ultralow-Threshold Whispering Gallery Mode Microlasers. OPTICS LETTERS 2012, 37, 5193–5195.
Leclerc, L.; Rima, W.; Boudard, D.; Pourchez, J.; Forest, V.; Bin, V.; Mowat, P.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O.; Grosseau, P.; et al. Size of Submicrometric and Nanometric Particles Affect Cellular Uptake and Biological Activity of Macrophages in Vitro. INHALATION TOXICOLOGY 2012, 24, 580–588.
Benachour, H.; Seve, A.; Bastogne, T.; Frochot, C.; Vanderesse, R.; Jasniewski, J.; Miladi, I.; Billotey, C.; Tillement, O.; Lux, F.; et al. Multifunctional Peptide-Conjugated Hybrid Silica Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy and MRI. THERANOSTICS 2012, 2, 889–904.
Benachour, H.; Bastogne, T.; Toussaint, M.; Chemli, Y.; Seve, A.; Frochot, C.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Vanderesse, R.; Barberi-Heyob, M. Real-Time Monitoring of Photocytotoxicity in Nanoparticles-Based Photodynamic Therapy: A Model-Based Approach. PLOS ONE 2012, 7.
Wang, Q.; Lu, G.; Hou, L.; Zhang, T.; Luo, C.; Yang, H.; Barbillon, G.; Lei, F. H.; Marquette, C. A.; Perriat, P.; et al. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy near Individual Gold Nanoparticle. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2011, 503, 256–261.
Taleb, J.; Kryza, D.; Janier, M.; Mowat, P.; Louis, C.; Marmuse, L.; Roux, S.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O.; Billotey, C. In Vivo Biodistribution of Hybrid Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles as Multimodal Imaging Agent. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2011, 98, S63.
Samuel, J.; Raccurt, O.; Mancini, C.; Dujardin, C.; Amans, D.; Ledoux, G.; Poncelet, O.; Tillement, O. Homogeneous Dispersion of Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles into a Non-Aqueous-Based Polymer by Two Surface Treatments. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH 2011, 13, 2417–2428.
Mutelet, B.; Perriat, P.; Ledoux, G.; Amans, D.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Billotey, C.; Janier, M.; Villiers, C.; Bazzi, R.; et al. Suppression of Luminescence Quenching at the Nanometer Scale in Gd2O3 Doped with Eu3+ or Tb3+: Systematic Comparison between Nanometric and Macroscopic Samples of Life-Time, Quantum Yield, Radiative and Non-Radiative Decay Rates. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2011, 110.
Mutelet, B.; Keller, N.; Roux, S.; Flores-Gonzales, M. A.; Lux, F.; Martini, M.; Tillement, O.; Billotey, C.; Janier, M.; Villiers, C.; et al. Size-Induced Effect upon the N,el Temperature of the Antiferro/paramagnetic Transition in Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 2011, 105, 215–219.
Mowat, P.; Bechet, D.; Dutreix, M.; Barberi-Heyob, M.; Le Duc, G.; Roux, S.; Perriat, P.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O. Glioma Cells Radiosensitization with Lanthanid-Based Nanoparticles. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2011, 98, S69–S70.
Mowat, P.; Mignot, A.; Rima, W.; Lux, F.; Tillement, O.; Roulin, C.; Dutreix, M.; Bechet, D.; Huger, S.; Humbert, L.; et al. In Vitro Radiosensitizing Effects of Ultrasmall Gadolinium Based Particles on Tumour Cells. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2011, 11, 7833–7839.
Morlieras, J.; Chezal, J.-M.; Janier, M.; Miot-Noirault, E.; Mowat, P.; Penciu, A.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O.; Vidal, A.; Luz, F. Functionalization of Hybrid Nanoparticles for in Vivo Targeting of Melanomat. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2011, 98, S62–S63.
Lux, F.; Mignot, A.; Mowat, P.; Louis, C.; Dufort, S.; Bernhard, C.; Denat, F.; Boschetti, F.; Brunet, C.; Antoine, R.; et al. Ultrasmall Rigid Particles as Multimodal Probes for Medical Applications. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2011, 50, 12299–12303.
Le Duc, G.; Miladi, I.; Alric, C.; Mowat, P.; Braeuer-Krisch, E.; Bouchet, A.; Khalil, E.; Billotey, C.; Janier, M.; Lux, F.; et al. Toward an Image-Guided Microbeam Radiation Therapy Using Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles. ACS NANO 2011, 5, 9566–9574.
Kryza, D.; Taleb, J.; Janier, M.; Marmuse, L.; Miladi, I.; Bonazza, P.; Louis, C.; Perriat, P.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; et al. Biodistribution Study of Nanometric Hybrid Gadolinium Oxide Particles as a Multimodal SPECT/MR/Optical Imaging and Theragnostic Agent. BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY 2011, 22, 1145–1152.
Hoffmann, C.; Faure, A.-C.; Vancaeyzeele, C.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Pauthe, E.; Goubard, F. Labeling of Fibronectin by Fluorescent and Paramagnetic Nanoprobes for Exploring the Extracellular Matrix: Bioconjugate Synthesis Optimization and Biochemical Characterization. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2011, 399, 1653–1663.
Epicier, T.; Le Bosse, J.-C.; Perriat, P.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O. A Strategy for Simulating Electron Energy-Loss Near-Edge Structures of Nanoparticles: Application to Size Effects in Gd2O3. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS 2011, 54.
Dufort, S.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Hirsjarvi, S.; Benoit, J.-P.; Gravier, J.; Texier, I.; Dumy, P.; Josserand, V.; Colt, J.-L. Development of Nanoparticles and Lipid Nanocapsules for Imaging and Tumor Therapy. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2011, 98, S78.
Couleaud, P.; Bechet, D.; Vanderesse, R.; Barberi-Heyob, M.; Faure, A.-C.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Porhel, S.; Guillemin, F.; Frochot, C. Functionalized Silica-Based Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy. NANOMEDICINE 2011, 6, 995–1009.
Arifin, D. R.; Long, C. M.; Gilad, A. A.; Alric, C. E.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Link, T. W.; Arepally, A.; Bulte, J. W. M. Trimodal Gadolinium-Gold Microcapsules Containing Pancreatic Islet Cells Restore Normoglycemia in Diabetic Mice and Can Be Tracked by Using US, CT, and Positive-Contrast MR Imaging. RADIOLOGY 2011, 260, 790–798.
Aloy, M.-T.; Miladi, I.; Janier, M.; Armandy, E.; Mowat, P.; Billotey, C.; Tillement, O.; Lux, F.; Perriat, P.; Rodriguez-Lafrasse, C. Nanoparticles at the Heart of Gadolinium Radiosensitizing Agents in Photon Radiation. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2011, 98, S72–S73.
Samuel, J.; Raccurt, O.; Poncelet, O.; Auger, A.; Ling, W.-L.; Cherns, P.; Grunwald, D.; Tillement, O. Surface Characterizations of Fluorescent-Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles: From the Macroscale to the Nanoscale. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH 2010, 12, 2255–2265.
Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Billotey, C.; Coll, J.-L.; Le Duc, G.; Marquette, C. A.; Perriat, P. Multifunctional Nanoparticles: From the Detection of Biomolecules to the Therapy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY 2010, 7, 781–801.
Martini, M.; Roux, S.; Montagna, M.; Pansu, R.; Julien, C.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P. How Gold Inclusions Increase the Rate of Fluorescein Energy Homotransfer in Silica Beads. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2010, 490, 72–75.
Lin, G.; Tillement, O.; Candela, Y.; Martini, M.; Cai, Z.; Lefevre-Seguin, V.; Hare, J. Ultra-Low Threshold Lasing in Silica Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microcavities with Nd(3+):Gd(2)O(3) Nanocrystals. In MICRO-OPTICS 2010; Thienpont, H and Daele, PV and Mohr, J and Zappe, H, Ed.; Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering; SPIE; B-PHOT; FWO; ICO; Brussels Capital Reg; Ville Bruxelles, 2010; Vol. 7716.
Dufort, S.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Hirsjarvi, S.; Benoit, J.-P.; Boturyn, D.; Dumy, P.; Isabelle, T.; Josserand, V.; Coll, J.-L. Study of the Biodistribution of Nanoparticles in Vivo Optical Imaging: Influence of Size and Surface Functionalization. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2010, 97, S10.
Taleb, J.; Mutelet, B.; Maciocco, L.; Kryza, D.; Humbert, S.; Tillement, O.; Simonelli, F.; Hiltbrand, E.; Louis, C.; Janier, M. F.; et al. New Modality of Curietherapy with Holmium Oxyde Submicronic Particles. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING 2009, 36, S431.
Sancey, L.; Dufort, S.; Josserand, V.; Keramidas, M.; Righini, C.; Rome, C.; Faure, A.-C.; Foillard, S.; Roux, S.; Boturyn, D.; et al. Drug Development in Oncology Assisted by Noninvasive Optical Imaging. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS 2009, 379, 309–316.
Ou, M.; Mutelet, B.; Martini, M.; Bazzi, R.; Roux, S.; Ledoux, G.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P. Optimization of the Synthesis of Nanostructured Tb3+-Doped Gd2O3 by in-Situ Luminescence Following up. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 2009, 333, 684–689.
Ou, M.; Mauchamp, V.; Mutelet, B.; Epicier, T.; Le Bosse, J. C.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P. Delocalization of 4f Electrons in Gadolinium Oxide on the Nanometer Scale. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2009, 113, 4038–4041.
Martini, M.; Perriat, P.; Montagna, M.; Pansu, R.; Julien, C.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S. How Gold Particles Suppress Concentration Quenching of Fluorophores Encapsulated in Silica Beads. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2009, 113, 17669–17677.
Martini, M.; Montagna, M.; Ou, M.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S.; Perriat, P. How to Measure Quantum Yields in Scattering Media: Application to the Quantum Yield Measurement of Fluorescein Molecules Encapsulated in Sub-100 Nm Silica Particles. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2009, 106.
Fizet, J.; Riviere, C.; Bridot, J.-L.; Charvet, N.; Louis, C.; Billotey, C.; Raccurt, M.; Morel, G.; Roux, S.; Perriat, P.; et al. Multi-Luminescent Hybrid Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles as Potential Cell Labeling. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2009, 9, 5717–5725.
Faure, A.-C.; Dufort, S.; Josserand, V.; Perriat, P.; Coll, J.-L.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O. Control of the in Vivo Biodistribution of Hybrid Nanoparticles with Different Poly(ethylene Glycol) Coatings. SMALL 2009, 5, 2565–2575.
Chevalier, J.; Tillement, O.; Ayela, F. Structure and Rheology of SiO2 Nanoparticle Suspensions under Very High Shear Rates. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 2009, 80.
Bridot, J.-L.; Dayde, D.; Riviere, C.; Mandon, C.; Billotey, C.; Lerondel, S.; Sabattier, R.; Cartron, G.; Le Pape, A.; Blondiaux, G.; et al. Hybrid Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles Combining Imaging and Therapy. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2009, 19, 2328–2335.
Roux, S.; Bridot, J. L.; Dayde, D.; Riviere, C.; Billorey, C.; Lepape, A.; Janier, M.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Gadolinium Oxide Hybrid Nanoparticles: Combining Imagery and Therapy. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2008, 95, S17.
Roux, S.; Alric, C.; Taleb, J.; Billotey, C.; Janier, M.; Le Duc, G.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Gold Nanoparticles for Medical Imagery and Therapy. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2008, 95, S18.
Ou, M.; Lu, G.; Shen, H.; Descamps, A.; Marquette, C. A.; Blum, L. J.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Cheng, B.; Perriat, P. Influence of pH upon Surface-Enhanced Enzyme-Catalyzed Luminol Chemiluminescence at Vicinity of Nanoscale-Corrugated Gold and Silver Films. PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY 2008, 84, 1244–1248.
Mouzon, J.; Dujardin, C.; Tillement, O.; Oden, M. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Yb0.6Y1.4O3 Transparent Ceramics. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2008, 464, 407–411.
Martin-Gassin, G.; El Harfouch, Y.; Benichou, E.; Bachelier, G.; Russier-Antoine, I.; Jonin, C.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Brevet, P.-F. Correlation Reflectance Spectroscopy of Heterogeneous Silver Nanoparticle Films upon Compression at the Air/water Interface. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2008, 20.
Mandon, C.; Garinot, M.; Villiers, C.; Madec, A. M.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S.; Janier, M.; Thivolet, C.; Perriat, P.; Billotey, C. Study of in Vivo Multimodal Imagery of Specific Cell Traffic by Marking with Hybrid Nanoparticles. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2008, 95, S23–S24.
Faure, A.-C.; Hoffmann, C.; Bazzi, R.; Goubard, F.; Pauthe, E.; Marquette, C. A.; Blum, L. J.; Perriat, P.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O. Functionalization of Luminescent Aminated Particles for Facile Bioconjugation. ACS NANO 2008, 2, 2273–2282.
Faure, A.-C.; Barbillon, G.; Ou, M.; Ledoux, G.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S.; Fabregue, D.; Descamps, A.; Bijeon, J.-L.; Marquette, C. A.; et al. Core/shell Nanoparticles for Multiple Biological Detection with Enhanced Sensitivity and Kinetics. NANOTECHNOLOGY 2008, 19.
Dufort, S.; Foillard, S.; Faure, A. C.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Boturyn, D.; Dumy, P.; Texier, I.; Josserand, V.; Coll, J. L. Vectorization of Biomolecules for Imagery and Cancer Therapy. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2008, 95, S11.
Billotey, C.; Mandon, C.; Janier, M.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Penlou, S.; Perriat, P.; Garinot, M.; Louis, C.; Villiers, C.; et al. Hybrid Nanosound for a Multimodal Imagery Monitoring of Cells in Cancerology. BULLETIN DU CANCER 2008, 95, S102–S103.
Barbillon, G.; Ou, M.; Faure, A.-C.; Marquette, C.; Bijeon, J.-L.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S.; Perriat, P. Two Examples of Nanostructured Gold Surfaces as Biosensors. Surface-Enhanced Chemiluminescence and Double Detection by Surface Plasmon Resonance and Luminescence. GOLD BULLETIN 2008, 41, 174–186.
Barbillon, G.; Faure, A. C.; El Kork, N.; Moretti, P.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Ou, M. G.; Descamps, A.; Perriat, P.; Vial, A.; et al. How Nanoparticles Encapsulating Fluorophores Allow a Double Detection of Biomolecules by Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance and Luminescence. NANOTECHNOLOGY 2008, 19.
Alric, C.; Taleb, J.; Le Duc, G.; Mandon, C.; Billotey, C.; Le Meur-Herland, A.; Brochard, T.; Vocanson, F.; Janier, M.; Perriat, P.; et al. Gadolinium Chelate Coated Gold Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for Both X-Ray Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2008, 130, 5908–5915.
Alric, C.; Serduc, R.; Mandon, C.; Taleb, J.; Le Duc, G.; Le Meur-Herland, A.; Billotey, C.; Perriat, P.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O. Gold Nanoparticles Designed for Combining Dual Modality Imaging and Radiotherapy. GOLD BULLETIN 2008, 41, 90–97.
Wu, Y. C.; Garapon, C.; Bazzi, R.; Pillonnet, A.; Tillement, O.; Mugnier, J. Optical and Fluorescent Properties of Y2O3 Sol-Gel Planar Waveguides Containing Tb3+ Doped Nanocrystals. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 2007, 87, 697–704.
Texier, I.; Heinrich, E.; Berger, M.; Tillement, O.; Louis, C.; Peltie, P. Luminescent up-Converting Nano-Crystals for in Vivo Imaging - Art. No. 64490D. In Genetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications IV; Achilefu, S and Bornhop, DJ and Raghavachari, R and Savitsky, AP and Wachter, RM, Ed.; PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE); SPIE, 2007; Vol. 6449, p. D4490.
Shen, H.; Lu, G.; Ou, M.; Marquette, C. A.; Ledoux, G.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P.; Cheng, B.; Chen, Z. How the Morphology of Biochips Roughness Increases Surface-Enhanced Chemiluminescence. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2007, 439, 105–109.
Ou, M.; Lu, G.; Shen, H.; Descamps, A.; Marquette, C. A.; Blum, L. J.; Ledoux, G.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Cheng, B.; et al. Catalytic Performance of Nanoscale-Corrugated Gold and Silver Films for Surface-Enhanced Chemiluminescence. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 2007, 17, 1903–1909.
Goubard, F.; Vidal, F.; Bazzi, R.; Tillement, O.; Chevrot, C.; Teyssie, D. Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of PEO/lanthanide Oxide Nanoparticle Hybrid Films. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 2007, 126, 289–296.
Chevalier, J.; Tillement, O.; Ayela, F. Rheological Properties of Nanofluids Flowing through Microchannels. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2007, 91.
Bridot, J.-L.; Faure, A.-C.; Laurent, S.; Riviere, C.; Billotey, C.; Hiba, B.; Janier, M.; Josserand, V.; Coll, J.-L.; Vander Elst, L.; et al. Hybrid Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles: Multimodal Contrast Agents for in Vivo Imaging. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2007, 129, 5076–5084.
Riviere, C.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O.; Billotey, C.; Perriat, P. Nanosystems for Medical Applications: Biological Detection, Drug Delivery, Diagnosis and Therapy. ANNALES DE CHIMIE-SCIENCE DES MATERIAUX 2006, 31, 351–367.
Mouzon, J.; Oden, M.; Tillement, O.; Jorand, Y. Effect of Drying and Dewatering on Yttria Precursors with Transient Morphology. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2006, 89, 3094–3100.
Mercier, B.; Dujardin, C.; Ledoux, G.; Louis, C.; Tillement, O.; Perriat, P. Confinement Effects in Sesquioxydes. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 2006, 119, 224–227.
Lu, G.; Cheng, B.; Shen, H.; Chen, Z.; Yang, G.; Marquette, C.; Blum, L.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S.; Ledoux, G.; et al. Influence of the Nanoscale Structure of Gold Thin Films upon Peroxidase-Induced Chemiluminescence. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2006, 88.
Lu, G.; Shen, H.; Cheng, B.; Chen, Z.; Marquette, C. A.; Blum, L. J.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S.; Ledoux, G.; Ou, M.; et al. How Surface-Enhanced Chemiluminescence Depends on the Distance from a Corrugated Metal Film. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2006, 89.
Lu, G.; Cheng, B.; Shen, H.; Zhou, Y.; Chen, Z.; Yang, G.; Tillement, O.; Roux, S.; Perriat, P. Fabry-Perot Type Sensor with Surface Plasmon Resonance. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2006, 89.
Louis, C.; Roux, S.; Ledoux, G.; Dujardin, C.; Tillement, O.; Cheng, B. L.; Perriat, P. Luminescence Enhancement by Energy Transfer in Core-Shell Structures. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2006, 429, 157–160.
Debouttiere, P.-J.; Roux, S.; Vocanson, F.; Billotey, C.; Beuf, O.; Favre-Reguillon, A.; Lin, Y.; Pellet-Rostaing, S.; Lamartine, R.; Perriat, P.; et al. Design of Gold Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 2006, 16, 2330–2339.
Roux, S.; Garcia, B.; Bridot, J.; Salome, M.; Marquette, C.; Lemelle, L.; Gillet, P.; Blum, L.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Synthesis, Characterization of Dihydrolipoic Acid Capped Gold Nanoparticles, and Functionalization by the Electroluminescent Luminol. LANGMUIR 2005, 21, 2526–2536.
Louis, C.; Bazzi, R.; Marquette, C.; Bridot, J.; Roux, S.; Ledoux, G.; Mercier, B.; Blum, L.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Nanosized Hybrid Particles with Double Luminescence for Biological Labeling. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 2005, 17, 1673–1682.
Lebbou, K.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Recent Progress on Elaboration of Undoped and Doped Y2O3, Gd2O3 Rare-Earth Nano-Oxide. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2005, 5, 1448–1454.
Guo, H.; Zhang, W.; Dong, N.; Lou, L.; Yin, M.; Tillement, O.; Mugnier, J.; Bernstein, E.; Brevet, P. Preparation and Characterization of Sol-Gel Derived Au Nanoparticle Dispersed Y2O3 : Eu Films. JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS 2005, 23, 600–606.
Garcia, B.; Salome, M.; Lemelle, L.; Bridot, J.; Gillet, P.; Perriat, P.; Roux, S.; Tillement, O. Sulfur K-Edge XANES Study of Dihydrolipoic Acid Capped Gold Nanoparticles: Dihydrolipoic Acid Is Bound by Both Sulfur Ends. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2005, 369–371.
Flores-Gonzalez, M.; Louis, C.; Bazzi, R.; Ledoux, G.; Lebbou, K.; Roux, S.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Elaboration of Nanostructured Eu3+-Doped Gd2O3 Phosphor Fine Spherical Powders Using Polyol-Mediated Synthesis. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 2005, 81, 1385–1391.
Flores-Gonzalez, M.; Ledoux, G.; Roux, S.; Lebbou, K.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Preparing Nanometer Scaled Tb-Doped Y2O3 Luminescent Powders by the Polyol Method. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 2005, 178, 989–997.
Flores-Gonzalez, M.; Lebbou, K.; Bazzi, R.; Louis, C.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Eu3+ Addition Effect on the Stability and Crystallinity of Fiber Single Crystal and Nano-Structured Y2O3 Oxide. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 2005, 277, 502–508.
Bazzi, R.; Brenier, A.; Perriat, P.; Tillement, O. Optical Properties of Neodymium Oxides at the Nanometer Scale. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 2005, 113, 161–167.